Midnight Sun (Twilight series Book 5) (English Edition)



Midnight Sun (Twilight series Book 5) (English Edition)
Price: 4,49€
(as of Sep 27, 2024 05:36:54 UTC – Details)

It’s here! Number one bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with this highly-anticipated companion; the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire’s point of view.

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.

This unforgettable tale as told through Edward’s eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger?

In Midnight Sun, Stephenie Meyer transports us back to a world that has captivated millions of readers and brings us an epic novel about the profound pleasures and devastating consequences of immortal love.

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B087WF84RT
Editore ‏ : ‎ Atom; 1° edizione (4 agosto 2020)
Lingua ‏ : ‎ Inglese
Dimensioni file ‏ : ‎ 1942 KB
Da testo a voce ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supportato
Miglioramenti tipografici ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Abilitato
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Non abilitato
Lunghezza rivista ‏ : ‎ 652 pagine

13 recensioni per Midnight Sun (Twilight series Book 5) (English Edition)

  1. Trixy

    I devoured this book in no time!
    I’m in love with this reinterpretation, Edward’s point of view is so much more profound and tormented. I wish all books were rewritten filtered by his eyes and perspective!

  2. Rebecca

    Thank you Stephanie!
    I read years ago the firsts chapter and since then i’ve been waiting to read the whole book….it was way better than i expected!Twilight saga is not only about Bella and Edward and their love story, but it bring us wholly inside their world!With this book we got to know even better every single character, their secret, their qualities, their stories!….i actually had an hard time reading it because for one week i had to give up sleeping and i truly struggle to even keep my daily routine!….and now we can only hope that Stephanie would keep on writing about all the Cullen’s, maybe with the story of Reneesme and Jacob ❤️…..let’s hope so!Thank you Stephanie!!!!

  3. Kindle

    Fresco e bellissimo
    Finalmente ho potuto ri immergermi in questa bellissima storia. Bellissima narrazione, un sacco di ulteriori curiosità. Il punto di vista di Edward è davvero tutto fuorché scontato. Niente da paragonarsi al film (per fortuna! Dei film ho apprezzato solo l’ultimo) Vale la pena per chi si era affezionato ai primi libri, per chi trova la scrittura della Meyer fluida ed emozionante. Non annoia anche se la storia è nota, anzi credo che se uscirà il secondo sarà quello più interessante visto che Edward sparisce per i 3/4 di libro… Sarà tutto nuovo!!Per chi vuole cimentarsi con una lettura in lingua lo consiglio reputandolo in inglese semplice.Buona lettura.

  4. Micaela A.

    Voto la spedizione e non il contenuto del libro.
    Il contenuto del libro non può essere giudicato, anche perché, siamo seri, la quindicenne che è in me che ha letto la saga di Twilight in 6 giorni quando ha letto dell’annuncio della pubblicazione di Midnight Sun ha lanciato un urlo molto poco maturo. Tipico, appunto, della quindicenne che è in me. L’edizione che mi è arrivata è l’hard cover della atom, che a dire della comunità di lettori internazionale è la più bella perché il titolo del libro è in duochrome tra il blu e l’argento. E sarei stata contentissima se non fosse che alcuni angoli sono ammaccati. Me ne farò una ragione perché ormai il libro è mio. Però sarebbe stato bello riceverlo in condizioni perfette.

  5. Vena

    Bellissimo sia per i nostalgici sia per chi legge per la prima volta
    Il libro è stupendo e ricco di dettagli nuovi grazie al punto di vista di Edward finalmente esplorato, è lungo quasi il doppio di Twilight e mi è piaciuto moltissimo fino ad ora. Lo consiglio a chi vuole ri immergersi nell’universo della saga.Unico commento negativo è relativo al trasporto, ho ricevuto due pacchi e anche l’altro aveva un angolo danneggiato come il libro. Non mi cambia la vita quindi non faccio il reso però dovrebbero imballare e trasportare meglio.

  6. Jane Austen Forever

    Loved it!
    I already read the draft of this novel when it was available online some time ago.So when the novel was released I was eager to read it.the idea of rewriting the Twilight novel from Edward’s POV might seem like a mere publicity stunt in order not to end the Twilight saga… but the book is captivating and I found it highly enjoyable.

  7. Luisa Montaldi

    amo la saga di Twilight, ma Midnight Sun è. sempre stato il mio preferito. Avevo letto i famigerati 12 capitoli pubblicati senza il consenso dell’autore e quando arrivavo all’ultimo…passavo a Twilight e poi agli altri libri della serie… ma il punto di vista di Edward mi ha sempre affascinato di più. che gioia leggere tutta questa prima storia attraverso i suoi pensieri. grazie di avercela finalmente donata Mrs Meyer

  8. wang

    Not worth those many pages.
    I brought this because I have read the twilight serie, but it’s boring. Form all the book he is talking only about how he is obsessed with Bella. There are some part interesting about Carlisle and others story, but it didn’t give more insight about the overall events appended in twilight. It’s not worth reading 2/3 times like the main story. The author could have cut some part that are exactly the same in the original book.

  9. Micheline Marin

    Well worth the buy, love this book.

  10. CJ

    It was great to read the story from Edward’s perspective……even as an adult!

  11. Holly Harrelson

    “Midnight Sun” by Stephenie Meyer is a captivating and immersive retelling of the beloved “Twilight” saga, told from Edward Cullen’s perspective. For fans of the original series, this novel offers a fresh lens through which to experience the intense romance and supernatural intrigue of the story.Meyer’s prose is as evocative as ever, delving deep into Edward’s thoughts, emotions, and struggles. Readers are treated to a rich exploration of his internal conflicts, particularly regarding his desire for Bella and the dangers that come with it. The narrative provides a profound insight into Edward’s character, revealing his fears, insecurities, and the moral dilemmas he faces as a vampire in love with a human.One of the highlights of “Midnight Sun” is the way it fleshes out the backstory of various characters, enriching the overall world-building of the Twilight universe. We gain a deeper understanding of the Cullen family dynamics, and characters like Alice and Jasper are given more nuanced roles. The novel also adds layers of tension and suspense, particularly in scenes that were only hinted at in the original series.However, some readers may find that the pacing drags at times, as the detailed introspection can slow the narrative down. While this depth can be engaging, it may not appeal to those who prefer a quicker, action-driven plot.Overall, “Midnight Sun” is a nostalgic return to a world that many readers cherish, offering new insights and a deeper emotional connection to the characters. Whether you are a die-hard fan of the original series or a newcomer, this book is an engaging read that captures the magic and complexity of first love, set against a backdrop of supernatural challenges.

  12. mike morrow

    When I heard about this, I was so excited, but before I bought it, I wanted to know if it was worth it so I asked some friends. They said I had to get it. I am halfway through and I absolutely love it. We definitely need this in your collection.

  13. Iliana Ramirez

    Llego a tiempo, en excelente estado 😁

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